Kitesurfing and Hydrofoil Shop
Good Breeze is Central Florida’s number one kiteboarding and foiling store. We carry a large variety of kitesurfing equipment from all the top brands. Our custom foil rack is stacked with hydrofoils of all types. Whether you are looking to kite foil, surf foil, SUP foil, wake foil, wing foil or efoil…we have the setup for you.

Kiteboarding Kites
We offer kites for all disciplines of kiteboarding or kitesurfing. Whether you ride a freestyle, wake-style, foil or free ride…we have the kite for you.

We have the right board for you! Whether you are looking for a twin-tip, surfboard, foilboard or wakeboard…we have you covered.

Hydrofoils! We have a huge variety of hydrofoils for every discipline of foiling. Whether you are into kite foiling, wake foiling, prone surf foiling, SUP (standup paddleboard) foiling, wing foiling, wind foiling or kite foiling….we have the gear for you! Come by the shop or give us a call and can custom prepare a package for you.

Hydrofoils! We have a huge variety of hydrofoils for every discipline of foiling. Whether you are into kite foiling, wake foiling, prone surf foiling, SUP (standup paddleboard) foiling, wing foiling, wind foiling or kite foiling….we have the gear for you! Come by the shop or give us a call and can custom prepare a package for you.

Shop for waterwear to keep you warm or protect from the elements. We offer wetsuits, neoprene tops, spring suits, rash guards, hats, gloves, beanies and more!

We have a variety of single line and dual line kites. Great for kids and adults of all ages. Deltas, Power Foils, Easy Flyers, Diamonds, Spinners and more! Great for gifts or hanging out a the beach!